Roland Hausheer

Head of Credit Specialities (Senior Portfoliomanager High Yield)

Roland Hausheer heads the Credit Specialities Fixed Income Team at Zürcher Kantonalbank. His team manages the high yield and convertible bond strategies. In his role as credit analyst, he covers the energy and automotive sectors as well as certain areas of the transport and leisure industry. As Portfolio Manager, he is also responsible for managing the following two funds:

Before joining Zürcher Kantonalbank in 2011, Roland Hausheer worked in the private equity sector with a focus on renewable energies. His career also included a stint in the Global Proprietary Trading Team of Credit Suisse in London as Portfolio Manager for high yield and investment grade portfolios, as well as credit analysis at RMF Investment Management.

Roland Hausheer studied law and economics (lic.iur./lic.oec) at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and has a diploma as an EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA).

Blog posts

High yield bonds with the prospect of high returns

High-yield bonds offer higher yields than they have for a long time. Roland Hausheer, Head Credit Specialities, explains where the further journey could lead and where the opportunities and risks lie.

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Senior secured loans convey deceptive security

Senior secured loans are highly valued by investors as they promise good performance in periods of rising interest rates. However, a look behind the scenes reveals a little-noticed risk.

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