1. Private
  2. Pension
  3. Pillar 3a

Pension products for the future

Let your money work for the future, today. Private pension provision in the form of securities-based savings in pillar 3a offers higher long-term potential returns than a 3a savings account. Our pension products are established and regularly achieve convincing results in independent 3a comparisons.

Your advantages with Swisscanto investment products

Exploit potential returns by investing your money optimally in line with your personal situation.

Rely on established pension products backed by experienced asset managers.

Invest sustainably in line with the Paris climate goals with our investment products.

Payments into pillar 3a are deductible from taxable income.

Exploit potential returns by investing your money optimally in line with your personal situation.

Invest sustainably in line with the Paris climate goals with our investment products.

Rely on established pension products backed by experienced asset managers.

Payments into pillar 3a are deductible from taxable income.

When is it wise to pay into the third pillar?

It is advisable to pay into pillar 3a as early as possible if you want to reach your savings target for old age as effortlessly as possible. This simple calculation with a hypothetical average return of 3 percent per year shows why.

Anyone who already takes care of their private pension when starting their career needs to invest far less than someone who only begins to pay into the third pillar in middle age. However, it is possible to start a private pension at any time. The only prerequisite is that you are employed.

Securities-based savings pay off

Securities-based savings with Swisscanto investment products performed better than the 3a savings account over recent years. The wide range of products makes it possible to find the right solution for your personal risk profile and investment needs.

The following chart shows the long-term investment result of three different solutions in pillar 3a:

  • The 3a savings account (grey line)
  • A defensive pension fund that contains many bonds and few (10%) equities and therefore has a low price fluctuation
  • A balanced pension fund that contains similarly high proportions of bonds and equities and therefore fluctuates slightly more, but has achieved the better result in the long-term
Data in CHF. Disclaimer: Past performance and returns are not a reliable indicator of future results. The performance data does not take into account the fees and any other costs.

Good to know