1. Private
  2. Swisscanto funds
  3. Index funds

Swisscanto Responsible index funds

The ideal investment for investors who also value sustainability when buying index funds. We developed our sustainable Swisscanto Responsible index fund product line back in 2013 and have been continuously adding new products to it ever since. Opt today for solid wealth creation with a future.

Your advantages with Swisscanto Responsible index funds

Invest in numerous index-linked equity and bond funds with a clear conscience.

Our sustainable Responsible index funds meet all the requirements of a classic index fund and go beyond these in terms of sustainability.

Trust in a professional approach that takes into account sustainable criteria, including climate risks, through targeted CO2e reduction.

Invest in numerous index-linked equity and bond funds with a clear conscience.

Trust in a professional approach that takes into account sustainable criteria, including climate risks, through targeted CO2e reduction.

Our sustainable Responsible index funds meet all the requirements of a classic index fund and go beyond these in terms of sustainability.

Sustainability approach

Comprehensibility, transparency and traceability are very important to us. In line with these values, all Swisscanto Responsible index funds are based on traditional and conventional standard benchmark indices. They are broadly diversified and best reflect the risk and return characteristics of the benchmark index. In portfolio construction, however, we go beyond the usual criteria by applying defined exclusion criteria and a targeted CO2e reduction.

Investment process in four steps

It all comes down to this. The investment process for Swisscanto Responsible index funds consists of four steps:

  1. Exclusion criteria based on SVVK-ASIR. This includes, for example, the exclusion of manufacturers of prohibited weapons.
  2. Exclusion of investments with ESG-critical business models
  3. Exclusion of companies with a poor ESG score relative to the comparison group (ESG laggards-out procedure)
  4. Targeted reduction of the CO2e intensity of the portfolio by at least 20 percent compared to the standard benchmark index

All Swisscanto Responsible index funds at a glance