1. Private
  2. Swisscanto funds
  3. Real estate products

Real estate products – build on potential returns

Real estate is stable in value and offers attractive return opportunities at a manageable risk. Invest in direct or indirect real estate funds in Switzerland or indirectly worldwide. In both cases, our real estate investment products offer you appropriate diversification of your assets.

Your advantages with real estate funds

With our real estate funds, you can diversify your assets appropriately and take advantage of attractive return opportunities at a manageable risk.

Use our direct real estate funds to invest in Swiss residential and commercial properties with attractive potential returns.

Rely on us as one of the largest providers of real estate products in Switzerland with over 60 years of experience in this field.

Invest in indirect real estate products. They are generally more liquid than direct investments and therefore offer greater flexibility.

With our real estate funds, you can diversify your assets appropriately and take advantage of attractive return opportunities at a manageable risk.

Rely on us as one of the largest providers of real estate products in Switzerland with over 60 years of experience in this field.

Use our direct real estate funds to invest in Swiss residential and commercial properties with attractive potential returns.

Invest in indirect real estate products. They are generally more liquid than direct investments and therefore offer greater flexibility.

Impressive performance

  1. Extensive expertise and many years of experience in the management of Swiss and global indirect real estate products
  2. Proven fundamental investment process
  3. Leading trade in indirect Swiss real estate products

Experience as a strong foundation

The properties managed under the umbrella of our two real estate funds and the investment group of the investment foundation make us one of the largest asset managers of real estate. Today, a team of 35 real estate experts manages properties worth CHF 12 billion. At the same time, the team offers you access to attractive indirect real estate products worldwide.

Two ways to achieve investment objectives

Choose between real estate products that invest directly in Swiss real estate or those that invest indirectly. Our direct real estate funds either hold their properties indirectly via real estate companies or the fund's properties are held directly by the fund. Our indirect real estate funds invest in other real estate funds or real estate shares. You can take advantage of attractive return opportunities in both ways.

Direct real estate products

You can invest with us in Swiss residential and/or commercial properties via one of our real estate funds. Investing in a real estate fund is an alternative to buying a property. This has the advantage that there is no need to spend time searching for a property, maintaining it or renting it. In addition, real estate funds offer higher liquidity than individual investments in real estate. With us, you benefit from properties that can sustainably take advantage of attractive return opportunities thanks to our careful analysis and management. Since the prices of real estate investment products generally correlate little with other asset classes, real estate products through a real estate fund are ideal for portfolio diversification.

Indirect real estate products

With our indirect real estate products, you can invest in other real estate funds or in real estate equities, where you can achieve positive returns. Indirect real estate products – i.e. funds that invest in real estate funds – are generally more liquid than direct investments in real estate. They are exposed to lower price fluctuations than, for example, equities and correlate moderately with other asset classes. As a result, indirect real estate products are also highly suitable for portfolio diversification. Another advantage of indirect investments is their flexibility. This allows you to buy or sell your unit certificates on a daily basis.

All real estate funds at a glance